What is the commission fee you charge for domain sales?

This article will explain the commission rates for Efty Pay per March 1, 2025, when you sell a domain name.

Here’s what we cover in this article:

Why does Efty Pay charge a commission?

The most common revenue model for online marketplaces is charging a commission. Efty Pay charges sellers a fair and inviting commission to transact on our platform, which is also high enough for us to cover operational costs and make a profit.

How much commission do you charge for Efty Pay transactions?

As of March 1, 2025, Efty Pay has a simplified commission structure:

  • 5% commission: This applies to all sales where the nameservers of the sold domain are pointed to the Efty nameservers (ns1.eftydns.com and ns2.eftydns.com) at the time of purchase. This includes transactions originating from:

  • Your Efty For-Sale landing pages
  • Your Efty Marketplace
  • The Efty.com Marketplace

  • 12.5% commission: This applies when the domain name's nameservers are not pointed to Efty’s nameservers at the time of sale. An example of this scenario is when a buyer purchases a domain name via the Efty.com marketplace or the user’s marketplace while the DNS of the domain name is pointing elsewhere.

What is the commission for imported leads?

The only exception to the above commission structure is when you import your lead using our Bring Your Lead feature. In this case, the commission is a flat 5%, regardless of where the nameservers point.

Please contact our support team if you have any questions about commission rates.

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