Changes to BIN Transactions on Marketplace

Effective Date: 5 September 2024

We are excited to announce an update to our marketplace, which aims to provide our users with a more streamlined and consistent buying experience.

What's Changing?

As of September 5, the marketplace will no longer support Buy-It-Now (BIN) transactions via external payment platforms. All Buy-it-now transactions initiated via the marketplace will be exclusively processed through Efty Pay.

What This Means for You

  • Automatic Conversion: If you already have an Efty Pay account, you don't need to take any action. All your existing BIN listings will automatically convert to Efty Pay BINs.
  • Competitive Commission Fees: Transactions processed through Efty Pay will benefit from an industry-low introductory commission fee of only 3.5%.
  • Default to "Make Offer": If you have not created your Efty Pay yet, your BIN listings on will be automatically changed to "Make Offer" listings. Enabling Make Offer ensures that your domains remain available for negotiation via but can not be sold via the BIN option.

Why This Change?

Offering a unified platform under the brand will provide buyers with a more transparent and seamless experience. By consolidating transactions through Efty Pay, we ensure consistent service, simplified transactions, and aligned branding.

If you still need to create your Efty Pay account, we strongly encourage you to do so as soon as possible. By enabling Efty Pay, you can continue offering BIN pricing on your listings and take advantage of our competitive commission fees.

To set up your Efty Pay account, log in to your Efty Investor dashboard and follow the setup instructions at

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